Have a cruelty free Christmas

It’s almost the end of the year. Slowly we are preparing for the holiday season. Decorating our houses and buying gifts for our loved ones. But how can we keep our good habits and stick to an ethical way of living in a season like this? Don’t get overwhelmed by what society is expecting fromContinue reading “Have a cruelty free Christmas”

How to stay positive

Recently I wrote about how to reflect on yourself. The blog is about the changes in seasons from summer to autumn and what you can do to change your mindset. Now autumn is almost changing into winter. This period is also a time to adjust yourself and accept the changes in life. Everything changes WhenContinue reading “How to stay positive”

How to sleep better

Winter will start soon and that means that we are having long and dark nights. What a good excuse to get some extra sleep. Cosy and warm underneath a blanket and zzzzzz….  Good sleep is important for good health and a happy mood. But not every night is a good one. As every day ofContinue reading “How to sleep better”

Give yourself some Headspace

Are you always busy? Doing the tasks on your to-do-list? Doing things for others? Do you experience stress or anxiety? Are you always in your head? Don’t you know how to deal with life sometimes? Are you feeling lost? Then it’s time to give yourself some ‘Headspace’.  Who is not feeling one of these thingsContinue reading “Give yourself some Headspace”

Find your energy

Do you feel tired? Or even exhausted? Or can’t you even feel how you are feeling? Are you most of the time inside your head? Become aware of yourself and your behavior. Practise with connecting to your body again. You can connect to yourself by doing different kinds of things, for example, practicing yoga, mindfulContinue reading “Find your energy”

Master your life  

We are completely stuck. In thoughts, patterns and habits. We don’t control our lives, but let us lead by others and by society. And even by our own mind. We think we are free, but we are not. Our brain is fooling us and we just follow our mind blindly as we trust our brains.Continue reading “Master your life  “