Practice yoga

International yoga day was celebrated on the 21st of June. The idea of this day was proposed by Prime Minister Narendra Modi of India in 2014 during a speech for the United Nations General Assembly. The first International yoga day was celebrated in 2015. Nearly 36.000 people, including Modi and many other high profile political figures from around the world, performed 21 asanas (yoga postures) for 35 minutes. This was the start of the first International yoga day. Now it is celebrated every year on 21st June.

Yoga is an ancient practice that originated in India. The word ‘yoga’ derived from Sanskrit and means to join or to unite, symbolising the union of body and consciousness. One of the most famous practitioners, B.K.S. Iyengar said: “Yoga cultivates the ways of maintaining a balanced attitude in day-to-day life and endows skill in the performance of one’s actions.”

Photo by Burst on

Yoga is for everyone and also everyone can practice it. The most important thing is that you make time for yourself and connect with yourself. See it as a gift you can give to yourself. A healthy one!

Here are some benefits of yoga:

  • Brings a balance between body, soul and mind
  • It helps to deal with and reduces stress
  • It reduces negative thoughts and energy
  • Increases flexibility
  • It improves your sleep
  • Strengthens the spine
  • It has a positive effect on your body posture
  • It increases self-awareness
  • It gives you more energy
  • Healthier organs
  • Provides you more self-confidence

Let this day inspire you to start to practice yoga. If you don’t have much time, start with yoga once a week. You can practise at home with a video tutorial, since COVID-19 there are many free videos available online. If you like it, you can start with some free classes at a yoga studio. If you are convinced, then go for paid classes at a yoga studio. Because you are worth it.  


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