15 tips for a sustainable lifestyle

Do you want to live in a world where you can enjoy the green trees and breathe fresh air? A world where your children and grandchildren can live in a happy and healthy way? In a world including other flora and fauna? Where you can still travel the world and enjoy the beautiful landscapes. If you want this, you need to act now. Like Jane Goodall is saying: “Together we can, together we will and together we must.” There is no time for postponing, we are already late. Humans are the only animal species that is destroying their own home and the home of other living species. 

Be an inspiration 

But you can be different. You can do something about it. Don’t lose hope, but act and be the change. I know it is a world problem and that we need more people to really make a difference. But there are more people in the world who want to make a difference. If you take this step you will meet them, connect with them and together you can make a change. 

If you take this path by yourself, you will inspire others around you. Even when people first complain or comment on what you do, if they are smart, they will learn from you. As you know that most of the people don’t like changes, so there will always be resistance first. If you explain to them why you do certain things, they will get more knowledge and raise their awareness, so they can make the right choices. 

Photo by EcoPanda on Pexels.com

Take small steps

And it’s not difficult at all to change. Start with becoming aware and take small steps. Hereby I would like to share 15 simple tips for a more sustainable lifestyle

#1 Buy less. In a world where we are constantly disturbed by ads, it’s not always easy to focus on other things. Even when things are on discount, do you really need them? Every time you go out for groceries or shopping, ask yourself the question if you really need these things. 

#2 Choose reusable products, like a reusable bottle or washable cotton pads. So you don’t have to produce more waste. 

#3 Choose personal care products without plastic packaging. Nowadays you can easily buy soap for washing your body and hair. 

#4 Use the eco program of your washing machine and your dishwasher. It takes a bit longer because the temperature of the water will be lower. 

#5 Wash your laundry on a low temperature. About 30 degrees Celsius is warm enough. 

#6 Do not use a dryer for your clothes, but hang your laundry on the line. Whenever it’s possible to hang your clothes outside, choose for that. 

#7 When you take a shower, catch the first cold water in a bucket and use it for something else, like flushing the toilet or watering the plants. 

#8 Make your own cleaning products. Baking soda and vinegar (or lemon) will be the main ingredients to help you to clean your house. 

#9 Capture rainwater to water your plants. You can use a rain barrel if you have a garden. On the balcony you can use a bucket. 

#10 Choose for walking, cycling or public transport instead of the car. It’s good for your own health as well. 

#11 Choose experiences instead of things. If you want to give something to someone, think of something you can do together. You probably will remember these memories together when you are older. 

#12 Decorate your balcony or garden with solar powered lights. Nowadays almost every store is selling these lights. 

#13 Choose seasonal fruits and vegetables as much as possible and buy local products. 

#14 When you cook, use the lid of the pan to waste less energy. You can also turn off the gas before the food is ready. 

#15 When you are on your way, bring your own water bottle and your own shopping bag. So you don’t have to buy a new one every time you are out.  

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